Onward: Senior Exhibition 2022

SCSA Design Seniors had the opportunity to break up into groups and develop a concept for this year’s 2022 Senior Show for Art + Design to pitch to faculty and professors. My group’s design and strategy was chosen to be this year’s Senior Exhibition design.

As my group looked back on our class’s time and brainstormed together, one main theme that stood out was the parallel between a principle we were taught in our freshmen foundations class: convergent thinking and divergent thinking. Through this, we saw the way our stories as artists and designers have crossed—converging from various backgrounds to come to Anderson University’s School of the Arts, and diverging as we grew into our majors and now look to graduation and beyond. As we considered the department and how it’s influenced us, challenged us, and pointed us to the future with encouragement and excitement, we asked ourselves, “Where do we go from here?” Our answer was onward.

Find the Onward Website here.

Roles: Art Direction, Concept Development, Visual Identity, Photography, Social Media

Design Team: Hannah Brown, Miranda Mace, Shelby Parker, Sara Pepper


As we began to brainstorm for our Exhibition concept, we asked ourselves: What are our core values? Why are we creatives? What impact will we have? And, what world are we entering?

From these questions, we took time to brainstorm out loud together as a team as we considered our class and 4 cohorts collectively. By doing this exercise, we were able to narrow down big ideas that defined our class to form the concept of Onward.


Collins Center

